In my Witches of Griffin series the sisters often use candles in divination and spell casting. In religious and occult practices a candle’s color is chosen by the type of energy vibration needed and the symbolism it holds. The burning of candles for spiritual purposes dates back to ancient times. The earliest use of candles is often attributed to the ancient Egyptians, but the rushlights or torches they burned had no wicks. Although the Egyptians did eventually use wicked candles, it was the Roman’s who are credited with the wicked candle. During the ancient times, candles were usually made from tallow (animal fat) or beeswax. Tallow candles not only stunk, they released a black smoke and they needed to be watched as the wick had to be trimmed to prevent guttering. Beeswax candles burned slower and didn’t create a terrible odor. In Regency England, beeswax candles were costly and the type of candle and the length you allowed it to burn would in turn highlight your wealth.
Some believe a lit candle can connect the physical world to the spiritual world. Candles are often used with prayer and meditation. They represent purification and attract heavenly protection.
Candle colors and meaning:
A white candle represents a high level of consciousness. White represents truth, harmony, and unity. It symbolizes a type of wholeness of spirit derived from pure white light. White symbolizes serenity, clairvoyance, and it is used to replace all other colors when necessary.
Purple candles are used to cancel out negative effects of bad karma. The indigo color is associated with the third eye chakra and burning a purple candle is said to enhance psychic powers. Purple represents hidden spiritual knowledge. Advent candle wreaths often have three purple or blue candles to represent repentance, a pink candle to represent joy, and a white candle to represent purity and light.
Blue candles represent calming wisdom, but of course there are many shades of blue. Burning a dark blue candle is said to promote laughter and also influence dreams and emotions. Royal blue symbolizes the spiritual self and is used when seeking the truth. Light blue candles are often used for inspirational meditations and for those seeking harmony and guidance. The color blue is said to stimulate creativity.
Green candles represent success and abundance. Green candles are used during meditation when a person wishes to reflect upon nature, growth, and healing. Green is also a symbol of luck and prosperity.
Burning a yellow candle symbolizes a search for wisdom. Yellow inspires creativity, concentration, logic, learning, and intellect.
An orange candle stimulates energy, love, and friendship.
Red candles are said to symbolize the physical world. Red represents temporal pleasures, the power of the flesh, passion, love, and scorn. Red symbolizes energy, vitality, and fertility. Red candles are often burned in the Catholic churches to represent the blood of Christ.
Brown candles are burned to increase concentration and telepathy.
Black candles are burned to neutralize negative energies. The color offers protection from illness, evil, or any negative energy thrown at you from others.
A pink candle is burned when in need of emotional healing. Pink represents unconditional and everlasting love.
Burning a gold candle is said to attract positive cosmic influences. It’s a symbol of good fortune and symbolizes light in its purest form.
To learn more about candles through the ages: https://lahilden.com/candles-in-regency-england/
A special thank you to: https://www.originalbotanica.com/blog/candle-color-meanings/, http://www.gone-ta-pott.com/candlecolormeanings.html#.Xj26hS2ZPUZ