
Law of Polarity

According to the Law of Polarity, everything in the universe has an inherent opposite. This is the way for the world to create balance and harmony. In his third Law of Motion, Sir Isaac Newton said, “For every action, there is always an equal and opposite reaction.” The concept of polarities is found in various […]

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The Maharishi Effect

The Maharishi Effect establishes the principle that individual consciousness affects collective consciousness. In the third book of The Witches of Griffin Series, Higher Resonance, the sisters must use collective energies to defeat alien beings and reinforce the energy grid around the planet. To successfully initiate the Maharishi Effect, Transcendental Meditation (TM) is utilized. TM is an

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Dangerous Harmonics

Throughout history, sound has been used to intimidate and induce fear, from war drums and trumpets on a battlefield to the 1992 patent of the S-quad. In my next time travel book, authoritarian governments work on a series of attacks to annihilate and subjugate the people. Knowing specific harmonics can cause permanent brain damage to a

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Magneto Protein – Mind Control – Magnetogenetics

I was researching my new time travel fantasy novel where the Voice of God technology is used on the populace when I came across Magneto Protein and decided to dig deeper. Magneto Protein is genetically engineered and allows behaviors and brain function to be remotely controlled externally. In 2016, researchers in the United States developed

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Meditation and Hypnosis Healing Temples

In my Witches of Griffin series, the sisters are often trying to reach different levels of consciousness to attain a meditative state. Healing temples, similar to those used in the ancient past, are seen in my new release Dimensional Shift. The difference between hypnosis and meditation is that meditation is self-induced with self-awareness, while hypnosis is usually induced

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Kundalini Energy

Kundalini in Hinduism is a form of divine feminine energy located at the base of the spine at the root chakra. This energy is present in many esoteric traditions. The word Kundalini is a Sanskrit term from ancient India, meaning a coiled snake. Kundalini is rising energy and consciousness. It is the source of the

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