“The sky is falling, the sky is falling,” is a line from the folk tale Chicken Little (Henny Penny). The European story focuses on the conviction that a catastrophe is about to strike. The moral of the tale is to have courage even if it feels like the sky is falling. It also serves as a reminder not to blindly believe others without thorough research. I’m currently working on a new novel where the heroine travels back in time to reverse the effects of a massive global project used to brainwash people. Fear is often the mechanism used to manipulate people, it affects our thinking and reactions, and right now, it’s everywhere.
The media admits that fear sells, and this type of projection is seen whenever we tune into the news. We hear the same talking points repeated in a litany from every news channel. This is because five companies own the bulk of our news sources, much like our television networks. According to Forbes, as of 2020, the largest media conglomerates in terms of money are Comcast, Walt Disney Company, AT&T, and Viacom. Day after day, we watch the media, world governments, education systems, big tech, big pharma, and big corporations work together to influence and manipulate the people. Sadly, many of them they’re not steering people in a positive direction with cultural Marxism, critical race theory, hatred of police, virus fear, gun fear, climate fear, and coming soon, alien fear.
Unfortunately, many people trust what they are told. They don’t believe government agencies or authoritative figureheads would purposely harm or lie to them, regardless if history has repeatedly proven otherwise (MK Ultra). The CIA’s Operation Mockingbird comes to mind when I think of the media. Of course, the CIA claims they ended this program in the 1970s. My favorite quote by Albert Einstein fits perfectly here, “Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.” (To read about CIA experiments and Voice to God Technologies- https://lahilden.com/voice-of-god-weapon-technologies/)

Currently, the global elite want people to fear a virus with a 99% survival rate. The CDC, WHO, media, and governments, lied about the bio-weapons origins, A-symptomatic people, masks, and even demonized medicines they knew would work on the virus. Now the elite are pushing vaccines in such a frantic manner that they’re offering money, college scholarships, marijuana, and free X-Box’s to children. News sources and big tech have been working together to ban truth and remove free speech, proving Marxism is flourishing in certain environs. There is nothing wrong with asking questions about an experimental vaccine. Don’t allow people to use gaslighting techniques by mentioning things like microchips. That’s merely a tactic to shut down a meaningful conversation. We don’t know the long-term effects of these vaccines, but we do know there are short-term effects for some people. Weighing the pros and cons to decide if the vaccination is right for you is not easy when the media and government agencies hide the cons.

As fear from Covid diminishes, the media has their next “sky is falling” push coming in the form of climate change. This month, the G7 summit meeting was held in Carbis Bay in Cornwall, England, beside bio-domes which are part of the Eden Project. It’s important to note that America’s biggest banks are promising to fight climate change. This is because climate devastation is big business for banks, which means big money. The top banks, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Citigroup Inc., and Bank of America Corp., have been the top funders of worldwide fossil fuel expansion for the past four years.

Since Earth is reaching its next 12,000-year cycle, climate fear has been pushed to the forefront since the 1980s. Although climate change has little to do with manmade CO2 and everything to do with the sun moving into its next solar cycle, Earth’s magnetic field weakening, and the magnetic poles shifting. Unfortunately, this is not the scientific evidence presented to us. The “humans did it” agenda works best because it produces the most guilt, fear, and, most importantly, money. As Earth and the solar system change, volcanic eruptions (volcanoes emit millions of tons of CO2), earthquakes, and other natural disasters will increase, causing more fear and more money to be raised and misspent. I can only assume the natural disasters will be used to ramp up fear as governments begin to take more control of the people to convince them that massive infrastructure changes, socialism, and green programs are essential for survival.
So how does all of this fear-inducing propaganda affect the brain? Fear is fundamental. We’re wired for fear, which evolved over the history of biology. When examining the brain circuitry and the chemicals induced during the “fight or flight” response, scientists can see a bio-chemical reaction as well as an emotional one. The fear response starts in the region of the brain called the amygdala. If the amygdala senses fear, it activates areas involved in preparation for other functions involved in fight or flight. Fear triggers the release of stress hormones and the sympathetic nervous system. The brain becomes hyper-alert while the body reacts with pupil dilation, bronchi dilation, and accelerated breathing. Heart rate and blood pressure rise, blood flow and glucose to the skeletal muscles increase, and the gastrointestinal tract slows down.

Fear creates distraction and emotions, which can be contagious. Abnormal levels of fear and anxiety can lead to distress and dysfunction. Fear limits a person’s ability for success and happiness. If one in four people experience a form of anxiety disorder during their lives, how high do you think this number increased with lockdown measures, inflated death totals, mask Nazis, and the vaccine push? Some fears are instinctive, while others are learned. The more scared you feel, the scarier things will seem. That is how fear works. It can have advantages and disadvantages. Fear can motivate people to act, which in some cases is life-saving, but in others, it is not, and it can do far more damage than good, like tanking world economies and destroying fair elections.
The impact of fear on the brain changes the way we process information. “When people are frightened, the parts of the brain that are responsible for rational thinking cease to dominate,” Dr. Bruce Perry explains, quoted in an article published in Time magazine. When threatened, the cerebral cortex, which is responsible for risk assessment and actions, ceases to function. Logical thinking is replaced by overwhelming emotion, which causes sudden reactions.
Fear can affect your health. According to Dr. Mary D. Moller from the Neuroscience Education Institute, there are three predictable stages the body uses to respond to stressors, which are called the general adaption syndrome. First, there is the alarm, which is when the body recognizes and adjusts to react and deal with the threat. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA) and nervous system are activated. The second stage is resistance, which is when the body rebalances, and a period of repair and renewal takes place as “stress hormones may return to normal, but there may be reduced defenses and adaptive energy left.” (AJMC) The third stage is exhaustion, when the stress has continued for some time, and the body’s ability to resist is lost due to the adaption energy level being depleted. This is often referred to as overload, burnout, or adrenal fatigue. When the HPA is altered by stress, it can cause chronic pain, fibromyalgia, and insulin resistance. Moller claims the potential health effects of chronic fear include immune system dysfunction, endocrine system dysfunction, autonomic nervous system alterations, sleep/wake cycle disruptions, eating disorders, and changes in the HPA. Chronic fear also affects mental health symptoms like learned helplessness, phobic anxiety, mood swings, obsessive-compulsive thoughts, disassociation, and the inability to love. Dr. Moller explains how fear affects a person’s ability to learn since the brain’s capacity is chemically altered, distorting perception and the storing of information.
When a person is stressed from fear or feeling overwhelmed with anxiety, it’s essential to raise your vibrations and live happily in the moment. Meditate, listen to music, go for a walk, do things you enjoy. Don’t allow others to make you doubt common sense and what is best for your peace of mind. It’s best to choose love and humanity over everything. Always question the narrative. Truth is often labeled as conspiracy, only to be labeled as truth later. According to Buddha, “The whole secret of existence is to have no fear.”

A special thank you to: https://vocal.media/theSwamp/most-racist-american-laws,https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/what-happens-brain-feel-fear-180966992/ , https://www.learning-mind.com/impact-of-fear-on-the-human-brain/,https://psychtimes.com/phronemophobia-fear-of-thinking/, https://www.meme-arsenal.com/en/create/meme/3052898, https://www.ajmc.com/view/the-effects-of-chronic-fear-on-a-persons-health (Some of my climate sources: https://suspicious0bservers.org, https://www.solen.info/solar/, and https://spaceweathernews.com)