In my book, Higher Resonance, which is part of the Witches of Griffin series that includes the ancient Sumerian mythical Anunna gods, the sisters, who are starseeds, have been selected for extermination by a group of malevolent aliens. Included in this group are the Greys, Anunnaki Reptilians, Draconians, and the Praying Mantis aliens. The sisters also have contact with the benevolent Pleiadians, Arcturians, and Thoth, not to mention the numerous other beings attending the St Germaine awakening party they host in their backyard. Most of my research comes from Zacharia Sitchin’s interpretations of ancient Sumerian texts, The Book of Enoch, ufology, conspiracy theories, and ancient astronaut theorists, which refers to a pseudoscientific idea. The fictional characters I’ve created carry attributes of the myths and legends surrounding these beings.

The Greys or Zeta Reticulans were believed to make alliances with Earthly governments. There are 22 subspecies that fit into this category. It is said that reptilians using cyber-genetics on Nibiru created a small group of these beings. Those in this group don’t carry a soul matrix, serve as decoys, and follow the directives of the reptilians in a type of servitude. These drone type, small greys are used by a variety of alien races to do their bidding. The Greys can no longer reproduce and they continue to work on creating a human/grey hybrid. They are science oriented and excel at mind control applications, cloning, and crossbreeding. They are considered an unemotional group, but the ones who are negative are considered to be power hungry. Named for the color of their skin, they are small-bodied, have enlarged hairless heads, and large almond shaped eyes. They are purported to be anywhere from 2-6 feet.

Reptilians are said to be humanoids with reptile characteristics. There are many species that fall into this category, which includes the reptilians and the Draconians. They are believed to have arrived on Earth 485,000 years ago. They want to take over Earth to mine for monatomic gold, which they use for their planet’s atmosphere. This type of white gold powder is said to boost their nervous systems so they can cross dimensions. They feed off negative energy and purposely wage war to cause fear, suffering, and cruelty. They have psychic abilities and are considered energy vampires. The Draconians, from the Draco constellation in the 4thdimension, are usually 6-9 feet tall, with human-like bodies. They do not have a soul matrix and they operate as a collective consciousness. The royal ones of this group have wings, while the warriors are known to have stubby tails. They usually have dark brown or green scales, two slits for their nose, reptilian eyes with a vertical pupil, and some have horns. The Draconian are often red in color.

Maitre beings are considered ruthless planet conquerors that enslave people. They are said to be in a constant state of war and they eat humans and other alien beings. They are considered a race of parasites and are purported to have already colonized 20 other planets.

Praying Mantis beings are said to be intelligent and gentle. They are masters with the vibration of sound and color and they use these tools to create and heal. They are usually mentioned during a grey alien abduction and said to appear to the abductee in a motherly fashion. This being has the ability to control the greys. They are said to be overseeing and assisting with the Zeta Reticuli Hybrid program. The Galactic Council are purported to have asked the mantis for assistance in the human spiritual advancement project. These beings are said to bring high-energy vibrations and frequencies to humans. They are telepathic, 6-7 feet tall, with long thin torsos, and large triangular insect-like heads, with slanted eyes of brown or black. They can be brown, black, or green in color. Many of them wear long robes and make clicking sounds when speaking their own language.

Pleiadians or Nordic beings are said to come from the planet Erra, which is located in the Pleiades star system in the constellation of Taurus, also known as the Seven Sisters or M45. This star system is visible from every part of our planet. Erra is said to be similar to Earth. Lyrans and Hyadeans also live on Erra. Nordics often look like they are of Scandinavian descent. They are slim, about 7 feet tall, and have light complexions with purple irides. They are highly evolved and spiritually advanced. They are purported to have contact with the archangels. They wish to advance human consciousness and are paternal towards humans and Earth.

Arcturians are considered the most evolved alien species in our galaxy. They come from the Bootes constellation and harness energy from their star, Arcturus. They claim the fundamental key to living in the fifth dimension is love. They consume positive energy. They want humans to get rid of negativity, guilt, and fear in exchange for love. They understand that people who are filled with fear are easier to control. Arcturians have mastered technology and are psychic and telepathic. They carry the ability to heal and use telekinesis. They are considered the guardians of the galaxy. They have transcended to the 4thand 5thdimensions and are able to pierce time and space. Although they have starships, they often reside in a spiritual plane. Edgar Cayce, a psychic of the 20thcentury, communicated telepathically with the Arcturians. This species usually lives 350-400 Earth years. They’re usually not tall, standing only 4-5 feet. They have bluish green skin, oval eyes, and oblong heads. They have three fingers on both limbs. They protect Earth and humans from malevolent beings and are preparing us to journey from the 3rddimension to the 4thdimension, which can only be done through human spiritual development and love. They have close connections to the Ascended Masters and are here to help humans evolve.
The Anunna gods or the mythical Anunnaki were considered powerful Sumerian deities who were mostly anthropomorphic, meaning they had human characteristics. Some believe the reptilians were a part of this group. The myths speak of a corrupt sect of them going rogue as they began to manipulate human DNA in an effort to control humans. Marduk, also referred to as Lucifer, fits into this category. They are known for their genetic experiments and crossbreeding to create human hybrids. The Anunnaki and Pleiadians don’t battle each other as they have the same technologies, but they are both interdimensional beings.
A break down in human abductions has concluded that the greys abduct the majority of humans, with 20% being abducted by reptilians, while Nordic or Pleiadian aliens have also been accused of human abduction.
Like humans, there are good and bad aliens in this series, but most play by the rules in our galaxy, fearful of punishment by a more evolved species or the Galactic Federation of Light. The Galactic Federation of Light is said to be a large council made of smaller councils, where the hierarchy is determined by the soul’s spiritual development. The highly evolved of this group present themselves as beams of light and voice the will of the divine Creator. They are protectors of Earth. Forty percent of them are humanoids, while the other sixty percent is made up of aliens and light beings.
Thoth deity of ancient Egypt. To read more on Thoth: https://lahilden.com/thoth/
Unfortunately, science has yet to learn all the inner workings of our planet, the galaxies, various dimensions, or to discover if the multiverse actually exists. Creation theories that mention extraterrestrials visiting the planet eons ago can be found in ancient texts, Native American myths, and Egyptian legends. These stories often speak of more advanced beings who seeded the planet. To read more on Human Creation Theories: https://lahilden.com/human-creation-theories/
A special thank you to: https://www.gaia.com/article/mantis-aliens, https://alienpolicy.com/arcturians-most-evolved-alien-species-earth-wardens/