Symbols have been used since ancient times to represent belief, action, or material entities. Through time, symbols are often transformed and repurposed to take on new connotations. Symbols are used to convey a sense of meaning to the viewer interpreting them. There are many symbols referenced in my Witches of Griffin series; some are mentioned in this blog.

The Reiki Cho Ku Rei is a power symbol used in Usui Reiki. Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui developed Usui Reiki in 1922. Of course, “hands on healing” with energy has been done since ancient times, so Reiki can be seen as a resurgence of the ancient healing methods. The Cho Ku Rei symbol essentially means, “Place the power of the universe here.” I practice Usui Reiki and the Cho Ku Rei is the symbol I use most, since this symbol can increase the power of Reiki. It also serves as a sign of protection. Here’s my short blog on Reiki:

The Triskelion is a symbol of three interlocking spirals. These spirals are said to represent three bent human legs or three curved lines that extend from the center. The triskelion’s first appearance was in Malta in 4400-3600 BC. The triple spiral is a Neolithic symbol in Western Europe and although it’s considered Celtic, it’s actually pre-Celtic, although it was incorporated into Celtic culture and is seen on Megalithic and Neolithic sites in Ireland. The symbol took on new meaning with the arrival of Christianity to Ireland, as it came to represent the Holy Trinity. To the pagans, this symbol represented the three realms, Sea, Sky and Earth, as well as deities like Manannan mac Lir, a sea deity in Irish mythology. This symbol often represents the power of three.

The Chinese Taijitu is a fairly common symbol in the United States and is usually referred to as the Yin/Yang symbol. “The symbol is to serve as a diagram of supreme ultimate” according to the followers of the religious and philosophical traditions of Taoism. The symbol consists of one black and one white tadpole shape that fit together to form a perfect circle. Each side contains a part of the other, as is represented with the dot of the opposites color in each halves center. This signifies how the halves becoming whole when placed together. The dark side represents the Yin, which is the feminine side (earth, moon, night, passive, and cold) and the light side the Yang, the masculine side (fire, sky, day, aggressive, and hot). The symbol signifies how everything exists in duality, but one cannot exist without the other, as they are interdependent. Thus the symbol’s power comes from having perfect balance.

The Ankh is the Ancient Egyptian symbol of Life and one of the most recognizable hieroglyphs in the world. It looks much like the Christian cross with a loop above the transverse bar. The meaning of the ankh is eternal life for it represents the souls immortality. This symbol is often seen in Ancient Egyptian art, with the ankh being fed or inhaled by the pharaoh to assure the leader’s immortality. This symbol was later associated with Christianity and referred to as a Coptic cross.
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