I’m working on releasing Dimensional Shift, a time-travel fantasy novel that is currently with the formatter. The story begins in the Bermuda Triangle of Romania, deep in the Hoia Baciu Forest, where Aria Chandler is swept into another dimension and taken to a strange land where people worship the goddess Ayahuasca and where female abduction has become the norm.
I thought to do this month’s research article on what I see happening globally. Aside from rampant corruption, censorship, and blackouts, the amount of propaganda in the 21st century has hit an all-time high. Propaganda is likely as old as the written language. And with the overwhelming amount of propaganda thrown at us from news, government, movies, television, big tech, big pharma, politicians, and celebrities, it’s little wonder why those who don’t want the truth known continue to label truth-seekers as conspiracy theorists. Even the words “conspiracy theory” are used as propaganda. It is used to discredit the truth and shut down the conversation, and the CIA and media heavily promote it. Propaganda comes in many forms and can be defined as propagating ideas and information to intensify certain attitudes and influence others’ actions. The propaganda we are served is purposefully misleading, distorted, and often patently false. We even have corrupt fact-checkers and constant unidentified sources, making it difficult for people to find truth without knowing where to look and who to trust. Big tech has been removing platforms that encourage free speech on a daily basis.

The news is an interpretation of the actual news; it is NOT the news. To know what happened in a court case, we need to listen to the court case, not what the media claims happened. Studying history is an excellent place to begin searching for truth since this helps with pattern recognition, creating a better understanding. Unfortunately, history has an eerie habit of repeating, and it’s also biased depending on who is doing the telling. I’d suggest studying Russian Revolutions and how they started, or Hitler’s rise to power, or look into the Chinese Communist Party and their world goals. I also recommend using a reliable search engine if you’re doing research online, as some search engines have removed factual content to steer the narrative. Propaganda is biased and often preys on emotion. Propaganda is proliferated in politics, advertising, and by corporations. I will focus on eleven propaganda types while touching upon examples of propaganda used in the past and today.
One of the most powerful tools of propaganda is fear. Fear can motivate people to give up their freedoms willingly and not to think rationally. Recognizing propaganda and pandering is essential to recognize false narratives.
Types of Propaganda

Bandwagon Propaganda, often referenced as the sheep who fall in line with whatever society deems acceptable. They wish to fit in, and those who use this type of propaganda encourage people to conform and join the group.
Plain Folk Propaganda is when ordinary people are used to promote a product or idea. Using ordinary citizens, they try to convey that all the common folk believe this or use this product. This method is becoming popular as people have stopped believing celebrities.
Transfer Propaganda is seen in politics. One party accusing the other party of crimes they committed, which is utilized to flip the script. “Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty of,” is a well-known quote attributed to Communists like Lenin, Karl Marx, the National Socialist Joseph Goebbels, and modern leftist Saul Alinsky. Pejorative and negative opinions are employed to poison a person or a brand: Like the idea of not allowing a crisis to go to waste and to use it to your advantage. An example of this would be how the U.S. media and several politicians claim Trump ordered an armed insurrection on the capital building when he didn’t. But how much do the masses know? Clearly, the media thinks that the people will believe whatever they tell them too when they have been proven to be peddling bogus information for decades.
A transfer device is also used in transfer propaganda. It involves a symbol or well-known saying that’s projected onto another, like a leader having their picture taken in front of the flag or a company logo.

Card Stacking Propaganda is used by the media and big tech. This is when specific facts are omitted to mislead the audience. Advertisers stress the positive aspects of their product and leave out the negative.
Testimonial Propaganda is when a celebrity endorses a message or product. This is often due to the person having an established fan base and because people have a tendency to believe a famous person.

Glittering Generality Propaganda is a method that preys on emotions to persuade the audience without giving sound reasons. Positive anecdotes are used to make someone or something look more appealing.
Name Calling Propaganda is the opposite of Glittering propaganda. Pejorative phrases are used to tarnish a reputation or a brand.

Ad Nauseam Propaganda is often used to promote products. They are seen in television ads and shown repeatedly. Scientific studies have shown that repetition is effective in convincing people that something is true.

Appeal to Justice Propaganda is a way to target an audience’s desires. For example, a face cream to remove wrinkles. People desire smooth, younger skin. This technique is seen in politics.
Stereotyping Propaganda targets a group of stereotyped individuals, and then they break the stereotype in their advertisements. Take the stereotype “women are bad drivers” a company would then make an ad with a woman driving a race car.

Appeal to Fear Propaganda is seen in politics and anything related to CO2 admissions, lab-created viruses, or leaders. Government and companies use this ploy. An example, to get people to stop smoking, they show sufferers of mouth or lung cancer.
Propaganda in History
When we examine Ancient Egyptian history, it is clear the pharaohs used art to serve political and religious purposes. For example, when Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV) became pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty of the New Kingdom, he instituted a monotheistic religion that worshipped one god, the sun god Aten. Under two decades of his rule, he imposed new aspects of religion, moved the capital to an unoccupied site, implemented a new form of architecture, changed the royal artistic style, and obliterated the traditional Egyptian gods’ names and images. Trying to destroy the previous history by replacing images with his ideals are examples of Bandwagon, Glittering, and Ad Nauseum propaganda, possibly more. All pharaohs participated in elevating their status through art and architecture. I chose Akhenaten because he made so many changes, and I once wrote a paper on him at university. He’s a fascinating character.

Regency England also saw its fair share of propaganda or fake news. In March of 1817, a newspaper reported a false story about 30,000 men who marched into Manchester, seized the North Mall, demolished two factories, and set fire to an entire street of buildings. A local paper from the area, The Manchester Mercury, set the record straight. But shortly after the fake story was released, advertisements were posted for volunteers to form a yeoman cavalry unit for Manchester and Salford.
The Prince Regency’s reputation was terrible, but he tried as King George IV to create an idealized image of himself to contradicted his obesity, indulgent nature, rampant spending, and series of mistresses. He sought to improve his image with the people through his extravagant art collections, massive building projects, and pageants, but his efforts weren’t successful. Although George sought pubic approval, the media worked against him, as the caricatures of the day can attest. In June of 1820, the king used bribes to silence the satirists. Cartoonist Cruikshank and his brother were paid a large sum “not to caricature His Majesty in any immoral situation.” King George IV was one of Cruikshank’s favorite targets. When George IV divorced his wife Caroline due to an extramarital affair, the cartoonists and satirical writers stepped into action since the king was a well-known adulterer.

Nazi Propaganda played a pivotal role in facilitating war and mass genocide. Hitler established a Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda headed by Joseph Goebbels. They wanted the Nazi message to be communicated through every outlet, be it radio, art, theater, books, film, educational materials, and of course, the press. Propaganda campaigns created an atmosphere tolerant of violence against Jews, much like how the mainstream media and certain politicians encourage others to attack Trump supporters in the 21st century. There was so much propaganda by the Nazi’s that it could fill books. Of course, there was also propaganda given to the other side. I have pictures from my late grandfather, who was in WWII, depicting piles of deceased bodies. These images were given to the soldiers to spur them into action and show them what they were fighting to stop.

How many people looked into facial recognition of the people who broke into the U.S. capital? Did they break in, or were they let in as video footage shows? True, Trump fans followed people into the building, but bad actors instigated the break-in. They are paid provocateurs. These same people have been creating havoc in the U.S. for the majority of 2020. The story propagated by congress and the media is pure propaganda. It’s political theatrics, and it’s still not finished.
Added 3-5-22

Currently, we are being told Putin is bad by the same media who lies on a continual basis. Although Putin is not good, it’s important to use critical thinking and look into U.S. bio-labs funded by the Department of Defense located throughout Ukraine (and all over the world) and the massive amounts of corruption, Nazism, and money laundering happening in that country. It’s vital to understand how Zelensky came to power. And not to forget Biden’s blackmail dealings with the previous leader to rid the prosecutor from coming after Hunter. Considering the immoral character of the politicians, globalists, and media makes it easier to see the agendas. There’s so much propaganda it’s hard to know what to believe.
Tulsi Gabbard on Zelensky: https://www.bitchute.com/video/an7993Ercigj/
Unfortunately, in this day and age, the spreading of misinformation and propaganda is rampant. It’s important to discern everything we see, hear, and read. We are experiencing informational warfare, and unfortunately, when the truth is revealed and corruption and treason come to light, the deep state will panic even more. There’s not much these people won’t do to avoid treason charges. Eventually, the treasonous globalists will have to fall to create a better, and hopefully, far less corrupt and immoral tomorrow.
A special thank you to: https://www.marketing91.com/11-types-of-propaganda/,https://www.litcharts.com/literary-devices-and-terms/repetition,https://anciv.info/ancient-egypt/art-in-ancient-egypt.html, https://www.arce.org/resource/akhenaten-mysteries-religious-revolution, http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/empire_seapower/george_fourth_01.shtml, https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/nazi-propaganda, https://www.topsecretwriters.com/2018/02/cia-invented-term-conspiracy-theory-discredit/