In my new time travel fantasy novel, the world is under global domination. A group of purists set out to change the past to alter the present. Astrophysicist, Elaine Knight, is missing in another timeline. Although hunted by three-letter agencies, her daughter Harper is determined to find her. For the planet to reach the state of degradation and dystopia, governments worldwide had to participate in its systematic destruction. To conduct massive genocide and starvation on such a grand scale, governments convinced their citizens the policies instituted were for the good of the people. With the use of corrupt corporations, controlled media, and fakery, psychological operations, aka Psyops, came into play. Psyops have been used throughout history to manipulate people and destroy the morale of enemies, whether soldiers or civilians. Nowadays, Psyop operations are extensive.

Psychological warfare is defined as using propaganda, threats, or other psychological techniques, like false flag operations, to intimidate, demoralize, or otherwise influence the thinking or behavior of an opponent. It’s a covert military operation designed to deceive in such a way as to make it appear that those who carry out the operation are made up of certain enemies or groups other than the people who actually executed the plan. This type of manipulation and propaganda has been used throughout history. The practice is considered acceptable during warfare.
Here are a few psyops from history.
In 33BC, Octavian, heir to Julius Caesar, and Mark Antony were in a psychological war against each other to win the support of the Roman public and military. Allegedly, Octavian claimed he had Antony’s official will and testament. The document made inflammatory claims that set the Roman people against Antony, including a section that declared Caesarion, Caesar’s legitimate heir, which undermined Octavian. According to Plutarch’s Life of Antony, 58, Octavian read this document to the Senate house, and a decree was publicly posted, spreading the message through Rome that Antony fell to the tyranny of Cleopatra. The senate in Rome moved to strip Mark Antony of his legal right to lead the Roman armies and labeled him a traitor. By 32BC, Octavian convinced the senate to declare war on Egyptian Queen Cleopatra. The psyop was a success for Octavian, and he went on to win the Battle of Actium. (A snippet of the battle’s ending takes place in my soon-to-be-released Witches of Griffin series.)

The Vikings had a psychological advantage over their enemies as they were known for their brutal raids. Having a reputation for ruthlessness, just the sight of their longboats along a rugged coastline served as a type of psychological warfare. The early Viking raids of Britain, Ireland, France, and Northern Germany (Frisia) were often quick, frustrating locals who could not reach the area fast enough to help. Churches and monasteries holding wealth were favorite targets. Some modern-day historians believe the churches weren’t just targeted for wealth but used as a psyop to undermine the European belief system. To show the Christians that their god wasn’t omnipotent but vulnerable and not superior to the Scandinavian gods. The Viking Berserkers warriors were known to be out of control. They fought naked with a blind rage unmatched by others. With no regard for their own life, they were said to howl like wild animals, bite their shields, and battle in such a trance-like fury that they attacked friend and foe. Some believe an ingested hallucinogenic mushroom or plant might have helped them reach the crazed state. The berserker reputation and nakedness served as psychological warfare.
Leaders and governments use fear to motivate people and scare them into action or inaction. In the mid 15th century, Vlad the Impaler, ruler of Wallachia, Romania, beheaded, boiled, burned, skinned, impaled, and maimed people, at times displaying his enemies’ heads on pikes serving as psychological warfare. In 1461, after Vlad refused to pay taxes, an army marched toward Wallachia. Once in town, the Ottoman army allegedly saw 20,000 bodies impaled across an area of seven or more acres. Disgusted by what he saw, the Ottoman Sultan turned his army around and marched back to Turkey.

False flag operations can be used to start wars. It causes chaos and confusion when people are fed false narratives by the government, media, big tech, and corporations. In 1933, a week before the German national election, the Reichstag, which is the parliament building for the German empire, caught fire and was destroyed. Hitler claimed it was an act of aggression from the Communist Russians and that the Nazi Party held secret evidence supporting this claim. Claiming the country needed to be protected from the Communist threat, Hitler convinced President von Hindenburg to sign the Reichstag Decree, which removed nearly every civil liberty created, including freedom of speech, press, the right to assemble, etc. It also gave the German government the right to spy on their people, read mail, listen to phone calls, etc. Historians believe it was the Nazis who started the fire.

Operation Greif was a false flag operation commanded by Waffen-SS commando Otto Skorzeny during the Battle of the Bulge in WWII. The operation was said to be Adolf Hitler’s idea to capture the bridges over the Meuse River before they could be destroyed. To reach this end, he had German soldiers wear captured U.S. and British Army uniforms and use their vehicles. The plan wasn’t successful, and the leader of the operation Gunther Schulz was tried by a military commission in 1945 and executed. In 1947, Skorzeny was tried as a criminal of war at the Dachau Trials for violating the laws of war during the battle. He and nine other officers were charged with improperly using American uniforms when entering combat and killing members of the U.S. Armed Forces. A former SOE agent (Special Operations Executive) testified in Skorzeny’s defense, claiming the Western Allies considered the same kind of false flag operation. The Tribunal ended up acquitting the ten defendants by drawing a distinction between using an enemy uniform for deception or combat. They couldn’t prove Skorzeny gave orders to fight in the U.S. uniforms.
In 1954, the Israeli’s ran a false flag operation in Egypt where they recruited and trained Jewish Egyptians to set off bombs in British, American, and Egyptian civilian targets so they could blame it on the Muslim Brotherhood, communists, etc. The Israeli’s were worried about America and Britain’s relations with Egypt. No citizens were killed by the bombs since the targets were closed, but two of the terrorists committed suicide, and two were placed on trial and executed.

In 1962, Operation Northwoods was a false flag operation against the American people to provoke a war with Cuba. The plan was for CIA operatives to stage and commit acts of terror against American military and civilian targets and blame the Cuban government to justify war. Although authorized by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, President Kennedy rejected it. Kennedy removed Lemnitzer as the Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, but of course, Lemnitzer wasn’t removed from government as he should have been. Instead, he became the Supreme Allied Commander of NATO in 1963.

People projecting their bad behavior onto another is commonly seen with government officials. Accusing others of crimes they are guilty of is a favorite psyop among the members of the U.S. Congress. There is also the theory of mass formation psychosis, advocated by Mattias Desmet and spoken of by Dr. Robert Malone on the Joe Rogan podcast. Desmet explains that mass formation is group hypnosis. A type of group-think mentality that emerges when four conditions are met in society. The conditions: Lack of a social bond, feeling life is meaningless or senseless, free-floating anxiety and psychological discontent, and free-floating frustration and aggression. Desmet claims all these conditions are being met under the Covid measures, allowing people to become hypnotized. The wearing of masks adds to mass formation psychosis since it projects fear. It is scientifically known that breathing in your own waste or Carbon Monoxide (CO2) hinders the brain, causing oxygen deprivation. Low levels of CO2 can lead to loss of balance, vision, and memory, while high levels of CO2 can cause death. Long-term exposure to low-level CO2 can lead to neurological symptoms making it difficult to think or concentrate.
Mass formation psychosis is when a large part of society focuses on an issue and follows the leaders regardless if data says you should stop listening. When it comes to obeying authority, many willingly comply without question. A great example of blind obedience is seen in the Milgram Experiment conducted by Stanley Milgram, a psychologist at Yale University. In 1961, Milgram examined justifications for the acts of genocide offered by those accused during the WWII Nuremberg War Crimes. Their defense was based on obedience. They excused their immoral behavior by claiming they were following the orders of their superiors. The experiment focused on how far people would go in obeying instructions if given by an authority figure if what they were doing caused harm to another. Sadly, 65% of people continued to the highest voltage, showing a lack of morality and a penchant to obey. I’ve included a link to the Milgram experiments through Bombard’s body language site.
Cyber-attacks serve the purpose of disrupting, disabling, destroying or taking over control of a computing environment/infrastructure. The intent is to steal information or destroy data. There are many cyber-attack false flag operations where governments claim a threat imminent to build fear in the people when they are responsible for disrupting or shutting down the system, whether it’s an oil pipeline or an energy grid. The U.S. claims most cyber-attacks are from Russia, but this serves the narrative to have the people focused on Russia instead of China, where the focus should be. A false flag cyber-attack is harder to determine than a false flag. The perpetrators are hard to find as they use misdirection tactics, which can lead to retaliation against the wrong person or persons.

Here’s a glimpse of the nonsense coming from the US State Department. No evidence, just believe what we say. Kind of like the weapons of mass destruction that Iraq was supposed to have, falsehoods are often told to justify war and take away freedoms.
False flag operations, cyber warfare, propaganda, and fear are manipulative measures carried out worldwide in various forms. It’s impossible to say how many false flag operations occur, but it’s increasingly common as we are bombarded with a steady stream of manipulation and misinformation. The U.S. media claims racism for everything. Paid agitators interrupt peaceful protests disguised and carrying Nazi and Antifa flags while causing physical harm to others and property. This method of lying to divide the people is as old as time. People are called names like conspiracy theorists or terrorists for questioning the illogical narratives. If you do your own research and use independent thinking, you are criticized for not having a doctorate in a certain field. As if no one has the intellectual ability to conduct research and form logical conclusions. Independent thinking is essential in a world full of manipulators.

Further Reading:
Magneto Protein-Mind Control https://lahilden.com/magneto-protein-mind-control-magnetogenetics/
Voice of God- Weapon Technologies https://lahilden.com/voice-of-god-weapon-technologies/
Dangerous Harmonics https://lahilden.com/dangerous-harmonics/
Fear-A Mechanism of Control and How it Influences the Brain https://lahilden.com/fear-a-mechanism-of-control-and-how-it-influences-the-brain/
Authoritarianism https://lahilden.com/authoritarianism/
A special thank you to: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/323414341_ , https://theconversation.com/the-fake-news-that-sealed-the-fate-of-antony-and-cleopatra-71287, https://weaponsandwarfare.com/2015/08/22/the-viking-menace/, https://en.natmus.dk/historical-knowledge/denmark/prehistoric-period-until-1050-ad/the-viking-age/weapons/berserkers/, https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/502283/when-vlad-impaler-repelled-invasion-forest-corpses, https://allthatsinteresting.com/operation-greif,https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0096340213493259, https://www.swfinstitute.org/news/90470/what-is-mass-formation-psychosis,https://www.simplypsychology.org/milgram.html, https://cybersecurity.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s42400-020-00048-4,https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/carbon-monoxide-poisoning/https://theconversation.com/low-levels-of-carbon-monoxide-poisoning-can-be-very-difficult-to-spot-and-can-cause-brain-damage-103478