While doing research for my Witches of Griffin series, I came upon remote viewing. I was aware that the CIA released classified documents on remote viewing, but I knew little about the subject so I decided to research further. Remote viewing is the practice of using extrasensory perception or “sensing” with the mind an impression from an unseen or distant target. For example, a “viewer” might be asked to describe something on the other side of the world that they have never seen before. The viewer is than asked to describe what they perceive.
According to the International Remote Viewing Association (IRVA) “remote viewing is not used to give psychic readings, tell fortunes, or other sorts of activities of this nature, but is rather a means of doing serious science research and for performing operational-type tasks in criminal investigations, government intelligence work, commercial applications, etc.” In this framework, remote viewing is a controlled process that anyone can learn to do with practice. It’s a way of using your intuition or second sight, which is a natural psychic ability, but training is needed. Remote viewing is not a psychic phenomenon. It’s considered to be an imposed discipline involving the subconscious. Remote viewing is always done under blind conditions, with the viewer knowing nothing about the target. These viewing sessions are usually performed in laboratory experiments.
Remote viewing in modern times originated with the U.S. Government’s interests in psychic espionage during the Cold War with the Soviet Union. The CIA conducted several experimental programs like MKUltra and administering LSD to try to turn soldiers into robot agents that could be controlled. Once these programs were exposed, most of the evidence was destroyed. During WWII, the Soviets heard rumors that the U.S. was using psychic communications at sea. I’m not sure if this was true, but the rumor caused the Soviets to begin their own psychic training in their military and intelligence agencies. (There is evidence claiming the Soviets were researching remote viewing before Stalin’s reign.) Once the U.S. learned of the Soviet program, they instituted their own remote viewing CIA training program in the early 1970’s. One of the more intriguing programs that produced interesting results was called Stargate, which trained operatives in astral projection and remote viewing.
The CIA Stanford Research Institute was to test for the possibility of remote viewing. Their goal was to prove that remote viewing was impossible; the military didn’t want to worry about a new Soviet threat. They found that through their research that remote viewing is a real phenomenon. “The analysis by intelligence specialists indicates that remote viewing has potential for U.S. intelligence applications.” (Grill Flame RV) The U.S. program ran from 1972 to its disclosure in 1995. Although the CIA researchers validated some of the Stargate trials, the CIA declared ESP worthless, as the tips were too vague to produce actionable intelligence. The agencies involved in the 20 year 20 million dollar program were the FBI, CIA, DIA, and assorted military and government agencies. There are 12,000 files totaling over 89,000 pages of material covering the program available to the public. After reading though some of the experiments and the findings, it is clear that the success rate is usually around 30 to 40 percent, which many argue is better than using chance alone with the best outcome of about 20 percent. You can read some of the PDF transcripts at http://www.remoteviewed.com
A 1984 CIA document reveals that a remote viewer was to look at a region of Mars about 1 million years ago. The remote viewer, Joe McMoneagle was not aware the coordinates were on Mars, but was given a sealed envelope with geographic coordinates. The envelope was not opened until after the interview. In the envelope was a 3×5 card with the following information: The planet Mars, time of interest was one million years B.C. with selected geographic coordinates, which were provided by the parties requesting the information, and were verbally given to the subject during the interview. McMoneagle later admitted that Jet Propulsion Laboratory provided the target and coordinates. Jet Propulsion Laboratory is a federally funded research and development center associated with NASA. Once in the viewing session McMoneagle began to describe the Cydonia region of Mars, along with its inhabitants. McMoneagle then responded to a series of questions:
Joseph McMoneagle is considered one of the most successful remote viewers. Although some of his work remains classified, the Intelligence & Security Command awarded him the U.S. Army’s Legion of Merit Medal and another medal for consistent accuracy in psy-functioning. McMoneagle worked with co-author Scott Seeds on remote viewings of Princess Diana death in 1997, and the disappearance of Amelia Earhart in 1937. McMoneagle and Seeds have many books available covering remote viewing sessions.
To read more on Astral Projection: https://lahilden.com/astral-projection-a-witchy-way-to-travel/
A special thank you to: http://www.irva.org/remote-viewing/definition.html , https://www.gaia.com/article/what-is-remote-viewing , http://www.remoteviewed.com/remote_viewing_history_military.htm , http://exopolitics.org/cia-used-remote-viewing-to-learn-about-mars-pyramids-inhabitants/ , https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/search/site/mk%20ultra Photo credit: RV LP Banner, Project Grill Flame