Quartz crystal was believed by many ancient civilizations to be eternal ice from the heavens. The stones were thought to be powerful and a gift from the gods. In my Witches of Griffin series, the sisters use crystals to aid healing and to implement spells.
Since ancient times, crystals have been admired and used in many spiritual ceremonies, as they are known to carry energetic properties. People in India have been using crystals to aid healing for over 5000 years. In India, Ayurvedic medicine utilizes crystals and gemstones, which are believed to counter the affects of karma and astrology. In the ancient Hindu scripts of the Vedas, specific crystals are used for healing. The Roman culture often had talismans of crystals to attract good health, wealth, and happiness. The Chinese culture uses crystals for healing and even uses crystal tipped acupuncture needles. The ancient Greeks believed that crushed hematite rubbed on a soldier’s body could make him invincible. The ancient Japanese used quartz crystals to scry. The ancient Egyptians revered crystals and used them in all sorts of ceremonies, as the energy of the crystal was believed to aid them in finding their way in the afterlife. They believed quartz balanced the Ba and Ka energies of the body. Cleopatra VII Ptolemy is the many greats grandmother of the Griffin sisters, Cleopatra was known to wear lapis lazuli stones, which was a stone often worn by royalty and believed to bring enlightenment. In Higher Resonance, the third book in this series, the sisters travel back to ancient Egypt to do an energy exchange with Cleopatra, whose eye shadow was made of crushed lapis.

Everything in the universe is made up of various forms of energy that carry their own vibrations and frequencies. There is energy in every thought and in every crystal, which is why they are still used today. Crystals are believed by many to aid healing by realigning the chakras and subtle energy bodies, and stimulating biochemical shifts that positively affects the person’s physical health. Of course with any science there are skeptics regarding whether crystals carry healing capabilities, with some labeling crystal therapy as a pseudoscience. The chakra philosophy of disease and energy imbalances is pretty much ignored by Western medicine. Western medicine focuses on doctors treating symptoms and diseases with drugs and surgery, thus trying to eliminate the source of the disease to promote healing, whereas Eastern medicine is based in the balance of qi (prounounced chee) in the body, this is a vital energy that is believed to flow throughout the body and thus Eastern medicine focuses on holistic treatments to treat the entire person, not just the ailment.

According to science, Crystals are considered the most orderly structure that exists in nature, meaning they have the lowest amount of entropy (a measurement of disorder). The crystal lattice is so balanced that the energy emitted is consistent, as the crystal transforms dissonant energy into harmonic energy. Crystals are essential to modern technologies, as we use silicon and liquid crystals in our electronic devices.

Quartz is a mineral composed of silicon and oxygen atoms that are usually translucent in color. They are excellent receptors and emitters of electromagnetic waves. Clear quartz is known as the master healer stone that amplifies energy and thought, it’s also known to increase energy in other crystals. In Higher Resonance, Regina finds herself on another planet in a city made entirely of clear quartz crystal. It’s a beautiful location filled with love and light, as this is the place where soul memories are stored.

Here are some of the crystals mentioned in this fantasy series:

Rose quartz is known as the stone of universal love. Grandmother Ingrid Griffin wears the stone when she is worried about the whereabouts of her daughter. Rose quartz is said to restore trust and love, promoting peace and healing.

Turquoise is a stone Grandma Ingrid is never without as it helps to protect a person against ailments, and it stems their grandmother’s magic, which is prone to errors. Turquoise is said to benefit the entire body by strengthening the immune, waste, respiratory, and skeletal systems.

Jade is the stone that the goddess Isis gifts to Kira in Divine Legacy, it’s this stone that gives Kira the gift of invisibility when she travels back in time to battle Ammit’s demons in 1749 A.D. Cornwall, England. Jade is considered a protection stone and keeps the wearer from harm, while attracting good luck and friendship.

Amethyst is the stone that Kira wears nearly everyday as it helps her to focus her energy on healing others. Amethyst is said to balance the crown chakra and works on ailments in the nervous system.

A special thank you to: https://blog.sivanaspirit.com/ancient-cultures-crystals/ , http://themindunleashed.com/2014/10/science-catching-up-ancients-crystal.html, http://healthpsych.psy.vanderbilt.edu/crystal_healing.htm, https://phys.org/news/2017-02-crystalshow-scientists-state.html Photo credit: Energy Muse