Thoth is one of the most important deities in ancient Egyptian mythology. His teachings are a part of legend that is often steeped in secrecy. He also plays a pivotal role in my novel Higher Resonance. This is the third novel in my Witches of Griffin series, which is not yet released. Thoth instructs the Griffin sisters on how to accumulate energy. This energy is used to raise their vibrational frequencies to reach a higher resonance. In this higher state of being, the sisters attempt to aid the healing of Earth and her people.
Thoth is often depicted with the head of an ibis bird or a baboon with a human body. He is also represented as these animals without human features. Thoth has many attributes as he was considered the god of wisdom, the moon, measurement, writing, meditation, and magic. Thoth was married to the ancient Egyptian goddess Ma’at who was considered the personification of truth, balance, harmony, law, morality, justice, and cosmic order. Ma’at is the daughter of the sun god Ra, whereas Thoth was said to be self-created or born of the seed of Horus from the forehead of Set. The goddess Seshat was often associated with Thoth as she was the goddess of writing, the keeper of books, and possibly his daughter. Thoth was the god who overcame the curse of Ra. The Greeks identified Thoth with their messenger god, Hermes. Early Christians equated Thoth with archangel Michael, while the Jewish peoples equated him with Moses. There are many learned scholars who associate Thoth with the biblical prophet Enoch.

Worship of Thoth began in Lower Egypt probably around 6000-3150 BC in the Pre-Dynastic Period, and he continued to be worshiped through the Ptolemaic Period around 323-30 BC. Higher Resonance takes place during the Ptolemaic Period, which was ancient Egypt’s last dynasty. Thoth’s main center of worship was at Hermopolis, although he was worshipped throughout the land. “Thoth’s veneration as among the longest of the Egyptian gods or any deity from any civilization.” (J. Mark) The priests of Thoth were known to be highly educated and his cult was associated with the ruling class and elite, but all classes worshiped him.
Why was he represented as an ibis or a baboon? The ibis bird was considered sacred and was associated with wisdom; it was also a popular pet. The baboon was used in regards to Thoth’s association with the moon. Ancient Egyptians deemed the baboon sacred to Thoth because they sang to the moon at night. The cycles of the moon organized much of Egyptian society. Many in ancient Egypt were named after Thoth, like pharaoh Thutmose I. The name Thoth means thought and time.

Thoth has always been associated with the sun god Ra and the concept of divine order and justice. Thoth is believed to have created many branches of knowledge such as law, philosophy, religion, and science. Thoth is credited with being the creator of written language. Thoth also appears in the afterlife standing at the side of Osiris and Anubis in the Hall of Truth before the Scales of Justice. According to Egyptologist, Geraldine Pinch, “All funerary spells could be regarded as works of Thoth. A tradition grew up that Thoth had written forty-two books containing all the knowledge needed by humanity. Some of this was occult knowledge to be revealed only to initiates who would not misuse the power it gave them. The body of literature known as the Hermetica claimed to preserve the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus (Thoth the Thrice Great). Hermes Trismegistus was eventually reinterpreted as a great thinker who had lived thousands of years in the past.” (211) Syrian Neoplatonist philosopher, Iamlichus claimed Thoth wrote twenty thousand books, while Manetho, an Egyptian priest from 3rdcentury BC, claimed Thoth wrote more than thirty-six thousand books, regardless, that’s a ton of writing. Unfortunately, many important Hermetic works were lost when the Romans burned down the Library of Alexandria.

Three important Hermetic works:
The Divine Pynander, this work consists of 17 fragments that contain Hermetic concepts, including divine wisdom and secrets of the universe.
Poimmandresor The Vision is the second book of The Divine Pynander and consists of Hermes’ mystical visions and secret sciences to help develop the soul.
Hermes Trismegistusis about alchemy, time, and consciousness. This is the magic the Griffin sisters utilize with Thoth’s assistance. This collection is also called The Emerald Tablets of Thoth and is believed to have been written in Arabic in the 6thcentury by divine writer Hermes Trismegistus, who was possibly Thoth in reincarnated form. It was translated from Arabic into Latin in the 16thcentury by alchemist Johannes Bapista Montaus Veronensis Patricius and titled De Alchimia.
According to the books of Zecharia Sitchin, Thoth’s history reaches further back in time than ancient Egypt. Some believe Thoth originally hailed from Atlantis, heading to Egypt when Atlantis was destroyed. Theories on Atlantis mention the use of crystals, which carry harmonic frequencies. Purportedly the Atlanteans harnessed energy from pyramids using the harmonics found in crystals. The Atlanteans were often described by American clairvoyant, Edgar Cayce, who describes the Atlantean ability to grow seed crystals like flowers. These crystals received power from the sun, moon, and Earth’s energy field grid system. Thoth is believed to have helped implement the crystalline grid surrounding the planet. For more information read my article on Earth’s energy grid and vortices.
Who are the Anunnaki?
According to historians or archeologists, the Anunnaki were the gods of Mesopotamia. According to Zecharia Sitchin, they were alien visitors from the planet Nibiru. Nibiru is a hypothetical planet, long suspected to exist, but it remains undiscovered beyond Neptune. It is believed to enter our solar system every 3,600 years. The word Anunnaki means, “Those Who From Heaven to Earth Came.” Regardless, the ancients called them gods and more importantly they were believed to have genetically manipulated human DNA. According to the Sumerian Tablets, 445,000 years ago creator gods came to Earth. They needed gold for their planet’s atmosphere and made the Igigi their labor force. The Igigi were a servant class of lessor gods that existed before humans were created. But Enki, Lord of the Earth and Waters, ordered his son to come up with a slave who wouldn’t rebel, so they used Homo erectus DNA (the cave man) and Anunnaki DNA to create the first Anunnaki/Homo erectus hybrid called Homo sapiens. The tablets claim the Anunnaki could live hundreds of thousands of years and were giants compared to the humans. At first the slaves were sterile, but then reengineered so they could reproduce the labor force. Those of the Anunnaki who bred with these humans were called the Nephilim.

Thoth is also known as Ningishzidda who left Egypt due to Anunnaki interference or more pointedly due to Marduk, the son of Enki, who in Higher Resonance is also known as Satan. Marduk was power hungry and he declared himself Ra, the sun god, beginning a new religion to worship him. Marduk introduced the Pharaonic reign and for the first time demigods ruled as kings on Earth.
Thoth is believed to have moved onto England where he instructed the building of Stonehenge around 2800 BC, from there he was said to make the move to Mesoamerica in 3113 BC. At this point in time, Thoth is going by the name Quetzalcoati, aka. The Winged Serpent. He was believed to have set up observatories in Central America and to have given the Mayans their calendar. All major Mesoamerican civilizations worshiped the same god, although they used different names for their god, in all these cultures the name meant the Feathered Serpent.

Thoth was a master architect who based reality on sacred geometry. An example of this perfected geometry would be the Great Pyramids, but sacred geometry is found throughout nature. More information on this can be found in my article on sacred geometry. There are ancient texts that claim that Thoth was the architect of the Great Pyramids of Giza, and those who believe the Great Pyramid, referred to by Thoth as the Temple of the Lion, was constructed in the year 10,400 BC and completed in 10,348 BC. According to the Tenth Sumerian tablet written by Enki, the Anunnaki built the pyramids as a beacon for their new spaceport as the other had been destroyed by the biblical Great Flood. The galleries in the pyramids were built to house crystals.
According to clairvoyant and author of Journey of the Beloved, Thoth claims his origin is Ultra-Terrestrial and that he’s of Orion genetics from the Eighth Sphere of Heaven. He claims to have been upon Earth for 300 years before he began to reincarnate into other human forms. Ultra-terrestrial is a term used by Thoth to define spiritually evolved beings. Thoth refers to divine energy beyond the atomic level and a unified field of all consciousness. Thoth’s mission on the planet was to gift people the knowledge of sacred geometry so that structures could be built on the planet to aid our return to the higher vibration levels of heaven. Thoth refers to the master builders who set up the energy patterns and grids around and inside the planet for temple locations. Thoth is credited with creating a grid program of experience that is electromagnetic in nature to allow for the bipolar aspects of linear time and illusion. Thoth refers to a time when all will evolve at zero point and become balanced.

The Halls of Amenti was spoken of in Thoth’s Emerald Tablets. Words of Thoth, “He who by progress has grown from the darkness, lifted himself from the night into light, free is he made of the Halls of Amenti, free of the Flower of Light and of Life.” According to Thoth, the Halls of Amenti is the realm between the Omega Point and our 3-D world where reincarnation happens. According to String theory, our 3-D world has at least seven dimensions above ours. The highest dimensions are ruled by the human soul (wisdom) and love. According to Thoth, the Hall of Amenti is on a higher dimension and ruled by pure energy. Plato called this entity the Demuirge, many religions called it Lord the Almighty, Yahweh or Allah. This hall is only passable by souls who have accumulated enough wisdom, which is a higher resonance of understanding that the physical world is merely an illusion. This knowledge is said to allow the soul to bypass the hall and merge with the Omega Point or God. This theory is supported in the Nag Hammadi Codex, a collection of early Christian and Gnostic texts discovered near Upper Egypt. Misconceptions abound regarding this realm, it is said to serve as a distortion filter between our physical being and the Soul.

Thoth is believed to have brought great knowledge to Earth. There are many who believe that Thoth’s secret writings are buried inside an ancient tomb. Several ancient texts claim that Thoth wrote a major work of scriptural importance that will one day be discovered. Many of Thoth’s teachings were direct transmissions into the Akashic records done by channel-scribes throughout history.
For more information on:
Sacred Geometry: https://lahilden.com/sacred-geometry/
Earth’s Energy Grid and Vortices: https://lahilden.com/earths-energy-grid-and-vortices/
Schumann Resonances: https://lahilden.com/schumann-resonances/
Stones and Crystals: https://lahilden.com/stones-and-crystals/
A special thank you to: http://www.crystalinks.com/thoth.html,https://www.ancient.eu/Thoth/, Egyptian Mythology: A Guide to the Gods, Goddesses, and Traditions of ancient Egypt. Oxford University Press, 2004, http://www.enkispeaks.com/Essays/35RaDeposesThothWhoBecomesQuetzlcoatInlAmerica.htm,http://www.spiritmythos.org/holy/light/thoth/thoth01.html,http://humansarefree.com/2012/12/the-anunnaki-built-pyramids.html,http://www.theeventchronicle.com/metaphysics/spiritual/the-emerald-tablets-what-are-the-halls-of-amenti/,https://hubpages.com/religion-philosophy/Where-or-What-Are-The-Halls-of-Amenti Picture Credit: David Halpin, SteemKR, Mynzah https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAPQRb86BxQ