I’m working on a time travel story that has a daughter searching the time stream for her abducted mother. The mother entered the past to prevent governments from using the Voice of God Technology on their people, but she was taken by those set on depopulation. In my new book, the Voice of God Technology has fallen into the wrong hands, and traveling back in time to right the wrong is the only option.
This type of weapon is a device that projects voices into your head to make you think God is speaking to you. I had heard about the Voice of God Technology before this plot began to form in my head, but until I began my research, I never knew this type of technology was allegedly utilized in the Gulf War. “Suddenly the Iraqi soldiers heard a voice in their heads from Allah ordering them to put down their weapons – which they did.” (Dr. Robert Duncan, a DARPA insider) Unfortunately, like many of the things I’m interested in researching, this type of technology is suppressed from the public, and even the U.S. Army’s webpage discussing the topic, as well as a series of source links, have been removed from the Internet.
This type of technology was discovered in the 1940s when U.S. soldiers were standing near a high-powered radar and began to report that they were hearing clicks, buzzing, hissing, and chirps, which led to an intense study as to why during the 1960s and 70s. According to film director, Corey Goode, “The more recent technology can focus on an individual from a drone aircraft or even Low Earth Orbit.” The people who create the data program are called programmers and they produce realistic hallucinations for the Targeted Individuals. An unclassified 1998 report from the Pentagon revealed an investigation into using laser beams for non-lethal torture, but it failed to mention if further plans and experiments were in the works. Here are some patents on the voice to skull technology: https://forums.tcm.com/topic/245910-patented-voice-to-skull-mind-control-technology-embedded-in-5g-tech/

The Voice of God Technology means government agencies like the CIA, DARPA, and the DOD could put voices in peoples’ heads to control Targeted Individuals. According to Dr. Duncan, “the Nano-particles are coming into the body and activated with magnetism.” One method to accomplish this is referred to as the Microwave Hearing Effect or the Frey effect. According to science, directed microwaves are absorbed which causes the brain tissue to slightly heat and expand a pressure wave that is picked up by the inner ear. This beam of microwaves is turned into sound in your head. It is the human auditory response to modulated electromagnetic energy. This directed sound allows a single person to hear a message that the others around don’t hear unless they are hit with the beam as well. Plugging your ears does not stop the sound. They are also known as voice to skull devices.

Duncan claims a Targeted Individual cannot be targeted until the person’s energy signature is collected. If you are like me you are now asking the question, how does a person collect another person’s energy signature? I’ve read how NASA collects energy signatures from the solar system and rocks and trees, but not humans. From what I have surmised these energy signatures are collected through a special satellite that gathers the spectral and thermal characteristics of the world’s ecosystems by collecting and transmitting the wavelengths, and since thermal imaging can be done on humans, perhaps this is how they read a Targeted Person’s energy signature. According to Professor Waymond Rodgers, author of Biometric and Auditing Issues Addressed in a Throughput Model, “Using thermal imaging recognition technology can process infrared patterns in the face by measuring the thermal energy emitted. Each thermal signature is unique, like a fingerprint.” The human ear has become an interest in study in biometrics as an ear’s shape doesn’t change or show emotion like the face, nor does it change much with aging.

Microwave heating is a technique used to increase a person’s body temperature to cause memory loss, disorientation, and reduced aggression. The weapon is known as the Active Denial System (also called the death ray, but it allegedly doesn’t cause permanent damage) it transmits a beam to make people feel like their skin is on fire. The beam can be focused 700 meters away and works at 95 GHz, which is much higher than the 2.5 GHz of a microwave oven.

There’s a sonic weapon called the Long Range Acoustical Device. The LRAD can transmit a loud noise to make people flee. This device is often used at protests by police and can be painful to the human ear. It’s a type of speaker system where the sound targets the eardrums, hair cells, and organs of Corti inside your ears. The duration of exposure determines the long-term impact. Several police forces use LRADs. In 2009, the Pittsburg police used one to disperse a group of protestors during the G-20 Summit, and the LRAD was used as security during the 2012 Summer Olympics in London to send pain-inducing noise from two miles away from the Thames River. LRADs are deployed with units of the U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Army, and U.S. Navy at various locations around the world.

Non-lethal systems are designed to cause mild discomfort in the body. The Russians have one that is capable of firing “acoustic bullets” at a variety of power levels, with the lowest setting causing discomfort, a higher setting causing vomiting and extreme abdominal pain, and the highest setting causing “bone-rattling” trauma. (DMN) I can only assume the U.S. has this powerful acoustic bullet weapon as well, but my research only unveiled Russia.

NASA and the military have been known to experiment with mind control in such experiments as the Non-lethal Laser Induced Plasma Effect, MKUltra, and possibly Project Blue Beam.
According to Defense One, a media outlet that focuses on U.S. defense and national security, “The Laser Induced Plasma Effect shoots focused light in an area for ten seconds, which strips air molecules of their electrons, creating a small cloud of plasma. A finely tuned laser will then manipulate the plasma field, generating both light and sound waves that can create sounds that are a great distance from the weapon, depending on the size of mirrors used to manipulate the light. An eight-inch mirror could create the effect from three miles away. The plasma ball talks to the adversaries, but I’m unsure of the sound quality since all the reference sites have been removed. The plasma laser can move through glass, but scientists have yet to find a way to penetrate solid barriers. They continue to work on changing algorithms to create human speech in the right wavelengths and to make the device portable in a 5-10KHZ laser.

MKUltra was a clandestine experiment project conducted in the 1950s and 60s by the CIA to progress the technique of mind control. MKUltra was a continuation of work that began in the Japanese and Nazi concentration camps, and the CIA hired some of those torturers’ to come to America and explain their findings. During the fight against communism, the CIA dosed unwitting soldiers and prisoners with hallucinogens. People were given high doses of LSD while undergoing psychological torture that included electroshocks. The program was run by chemist Sidney Gottlieb, who believed “you needed to get rid of a person’s existing mind and find a way to insert a new mind.” Yes, he sounds completely unstable. The top-secret nature of Gottlieb’s work makes it impossible to measure how many people died or how many people were destroyed by these experiments. In the end, Gottlieb concluded that mind control wasn’t possible. The CIA destroyed all records of the program, but some records, like the depot for expense accounts report and various other paperwork, was found, allowing us to reconstruct some of what happened.

Project Blue Beam is a conspiracy theory that claims that NASA has plans to implement a new age religion led by the antichrist. The plan involves creating natural disasters like earthquakes in precise locations to discover new archeological information to discredit and oust the current religious doctrines. The second step is said to involve a type of space show with holographic images and laser projections to help implement a new world religion. The third step involves the Voice of God Tech that will have people believing that God is talking to them. The prime directive is for the New World Order to gain absolute control over all the populations on Earth by creating a technologically simulated Second Coming.

There are also growing concerns and tons of conspiracy theories regarding 5G technology, due to the belief that some think the cellphone signals and AM radio waves could be used to implement voice to skull technology and mind-control.

The military may consider these types of weapons non-lethal, but with most technologies, they can fall into the wrong hands, in turn becoming a weapon of mass destruction.
Fear – A Mechanism of Control and How it Influences the brain https://lahilden.com/fear-a-mechanism-of-control-and-how-it-influences-the-brain/
Magneto Protein – Mind Control – Magnetogenetics https://lahilden.com/magneto-protein-mind-control-magnetogenetics/
Propaganda https://lahilden.com/propaganda/
A special thank you to: https://jmm.nu/the-voice-of-god/, https://climate.nasa.gov/news/907/nasas-hyspiri-sees-the-forest-for-the-trees-and-more/, https://www.newsweek.com/us-military-laser-weapon-voices-855238, https://prepareforchange.net/2015/09/15/the-voice-of-god-weaponized-mind-control-frequency-technology/, https://www.npr.org/2019/09/09/758989641/the-cias-secret-quest-for-mind-control-torture-lsd-and-a-poisoner-in-chief, https://www.wired.com/2007/12/the-voice-of-go/,https://forums.tcm.com/topic/245910-patented-voice-to-skull-mind-control-technology-embedded-in-5g-tech/, https://www.defensemedianetwork.com/stories/shout-them-down-21st-century-acoustic-weapons/, https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2019/07/19/pentagon-scientists-are-making-talking-plasma-laser-balls-for-use-as-non-lethal-weapons/, https://phys.org/news/2012-03-military-unveils-non-lethal-ray-weapon.html