Shopping, shopping, and more shopping. With Christmas quickly approaching I’m working on what to buy the ones I love, which takes serious thought. According to the traffic whenever I leave the house, I assume everyone else is doing holiday shopping too. The nice bonus is that it has been a warm December in Michigan and so there’s no snow or freezing cold to deal with yet. Next week I start my baking for four different Christmases. As for my writing I have just put my Griffin Witches series away for a bit. I always find it best to take a break and come back to the novel at a later time. When you are immersed in writing a story and you know in your mind where the plot is taking you, it is better to try and forget the plot for a while and tackle the book again as a reader and not a writer. This merely ends up as another edit, but by this point I’m in the tweaking stages of book one and two and not much is changing aside from detail and embellishment.
I’m currently working on another edit of When Love Wins. This is my Wintergale Orchard series where the hero must overcome a laudanum addiction with the help of his ladylove. I’m finding this story is more of a Regency Rom-Com, which sounds odd when considering the seriousness of the storyline, but it totally works. I love the witty dialogue and prankster behavior between the characters. My son, who excels at computer graphics, is helping me design the book cover. We are having a lot of fun with it. As the story takes place in an apple orchard estate he thought to put a single apple on the cover, which looked great, but it has an overtone to Sleeping Beauty and poisonous apples and so we nixed it and are working on something new. He has many amazing ideas and I love having his help in the designing process. We are also developing new ebook covers for Born Reckless and London’s Quest as I feel the darkness of the covers is overdone. I won’t get this book off to the editor before the holidays as I’m still in the middle of a final read and it has to visit the editor. I’m also working on book two of this series and I’m about 120 pages in. Below is the blurb for When Love Wins.
Tormented by the past …
Warin Vanhorn, the Marquess of Wintergale, is one of England’s heroes. After fighting valiantly in the war against Bonaparte he has tried to fall back into the routine of his old life. But life at the orchard cannot be calm when the sounds of his dying men continue to haunt him and turn him violent, leaving him to escape these nightmares with heavy doses of laudanum.
Meddling where you shouldn’t…
Helena Dabney is different from many ladies when it comes to knowing the details of wartime. She views Lord Wintergale as an untouchable, a man she has read about in every paper she could get her hands on, but never in a million years does she think to ever meet him. Fate has other plans.
Love wins the battle…
With hemlock poisoning, an eccentric aunt, secret mistresses, addictions, and betrayals of friendship, one can safely say that life at Wintergale Orchards is never dull.
When Love Wins is book one in the Wintergale Orchards Series.