Types of carriages in Regency England

Berlin– has four wheels and a hood. This vehicle was known to be fast and light. It has two interior seats and a separate hooded rear seat for a footman, which was detached from the body. The Berlin’s light weight made it less likely to tip than other carriages. A stirrup or footstool made the vehicle easier to board. Instead of side windows, there were hoods to let down in case of inclement weather.

Barouche– has four wheels and two seats facing each other. The foldable hood could be raised, but it only covered two passengers, making it a vehicle principally used for leisure driving in the summer. It holds a high outside box seat in front for the driver and was pulled by two horses. The barouche was the carriage for people with means and was often boasted about when the family owned one.

Landau– has four wheels and two seats facing each other. It’s similar to the barouche in that it held four passengers. The Landau has a soft folding top that is divided in two sections, front and rear with a latch in the center. Each section of the hood can lie back flat and the front section is removable. The hood on the landau covered all four people, unlike the barouche. They also had wind-up side windows. There was a separate drivers seat and usually a separate groom’s seat above and behind the rear axle. The vehicle was pulled by two or four horses. The landau was often taken when one was off to enjoy an afternoon being seen in the park. Not only could people see you in your fine attire, but they also witnessed the fact that you could afford a landau. This vehicle could also allow the riders some privacy when needed.

Curricle– is a light, two-wheeled chaise with a folding hood. It was large enough for the driver and a passenger and usually pulled by two horses. The curricle was a great vehicle for showing off your driving skills and your perfectly matched horses. This vehicle was deemed sporty by the younger set and became the carriage of choice for many. Men often liked to race around in these vehicles and some of them suffered from driving accidents.

Phaeton –has two or four wheels depending on the type. It has open sides and is pulled by two or four horses. The vehicle has no side protection. Many styles available came with very high seats. The high perch, or high flyers as they were often called, were very popular. When this vehicle was in the public it was certainly noticed, but it was unstable and could easily tip. But then if you tipped it, I’m sure you were pretty much guaranteed to be noticed.
There were many carriage variations and options to choose from. The vehicles I did not mention, include the Gigs, Broughams, and Victoria’s. There were vehicles used for goods, such as carts, wagons, and drays. These vehicles used for goods were also used for transportation for people from lower level incomes.