In Higher Resonance, the third book my Witches of Griffin series, the sisters are forced to battle with reptilian aliens as they try to reinforce Earth’s crystalline protection grid. These beings are said to use monatomic gold to boost their nervous systems and to seed the atmosphere of their home planet. The aliens want Earth’s reserves of monatomic gold and to prevent the sisters from initializing the spiritual awakening.

Monatomic gold is known as Ormus, (Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements) not metallic gold. Ormus is a white powder; it is gold that is not metal-bonded. Metallic gold is formed with atom clusters bound by shared electrons. When we break these bonds apart and isolate a single atom, you have monatomic gold. Monatomic materials have ceramic-like properties, but two or more gold atoms in a microcluster will exhibit metallic characteristics. Since monatomic elements exist in the heavy elements on the periodic table, people like David Hudson, (who is credited with rediscovering Ormus) continue to study and debate the validity of the substance. Monatomic gold is chemically inert so it can be ingested. Some claim it improves health and wellbeing at a cellular level. Monatomic gold also has antigravity properties. When the substance is heated, it becomes lighter, even to the point of levitation. (Orme) Like humans, the Anunnaki aliens cells communicate through chemicals and electricity in the nervous system. Monatomic gold is superconductive and can change the human body on a cellular level, this includes organs, muscles, and the nervous system, which can increase the flow of photons. (Orme)
According to the Monatomic-Orme site, “The implication here is that there is an entirely new phase of matter lurking about the universe. This form (phase) of matter is comprised of monatomic elements; a heretofore unknown form (phase) of matter. They have remained unknown for so long because they are inert and undetectable by normal analytical techniques.”
According to Zecharia Sitchin, author, and researcher of Sumerian records, when the Anunnaki, the Old Testament gods, were ruling the Earth, they created humans to mine for this substance. It is said that they created humans using their own DNA and the home erectus living on the planet at that time. In the Bible, some believe monatomic gold is referred to as Manna, our daily bread, the shewbread, white stone, and spiritual food. Ormus can occur naturally, like in volcanic eruptions. Of the gold that emanates from volcanoes, 98% is Ormus and 2% is metallic. (GofG) Ormus can be found in seawater and the skins of purple fruits and vegetables. The human body is composed of many elements, including traces of gold. A person weighing 154 pounds will have 0.2 milligrams of gold.

Monatomic gold is deeply rooted in the ancient practices of alchemy. Alchemy can be used to produce Ormus from 24-carat metallic gold. Alchemy is about chemically transforming base metals like tin and lead into gold using a particle accelerator, but the amounts produced are submicroscopic. It is not known how the ancients managed this chemical transformation.
Some people believe that ingesting this substance can improve physical and mental energy, and boost the immune system. They believe it enhances psychic abilities and enhances longevity. According to the history, Ancient Egyptians referred to monatomic gold as mufkzut or the Golden Tear of Horus. The powder was also associated with the god Thoth. The substance was venerated by the Alexandrians as a gift from paradise and referred to as the Paradise Stone, while chemist, Nicolas Flamel called it the Philosophers Stone. The Anunnaki called it the Food of Life, the Water of Life, the Tree of Life, or the Elixir of Life. The substance is associated with the pyramids and the biblical Ark of the Covenant, as revealed by inscriptions at the Sinai mountain temple of Moses. One of the wise men gifted Jesus with gold, symbolizing the kingship of earth. The Sumerians called it shemanna. The powder was mixed with water and ingested.

David Hudson has studied the substance for years. He claims Ormus can have amazing affects on the body. Hudson claims it can reverse aging, upgrade DNA to increase energy flow, expand awareness, harmonically increase Kundalini energy, increase telepathy, allow a person to levitate, allow a person to bilocate, or even to walk across a body of water like Jesus. He claims it gives you the ability to immediately differentiate between good and evil in a room, have self-healing powers, project thoughts into someone’s mind, heal with touch, and more. Whoo, that is quite a list of amazing capabilities. And yes, I know what most of you are thinking since I’m thinking it too.

Recently, renowned researcher, conspiracy theorist, David Icke decided to explore the topic further with scientist Brian Desborough. Icke claimed, “When you consume this monatomic gold by mouth or injection, it increases the current carrying capacity of the nervous system by ten thousand times.” This would allow a person to process huge amounts of information. According to Icke and Desborough, the white powder would increase the processing speed and capacity of the brain.
Hudson claims Ormus a cure for cancer and that it can reverse AIDS. “I can tell you that at 2 mg, it totally has gotten rid of Karposi Sarcomas on AIDS patients … I can tell you that people who have taken it, at 2 mg injections, within 2 hours their white blood cell count goes from 2,500 to 6,500 white blood cells. I can tell you that stage 4 cancer patients have taken it orally, and after 45 days have no cancer anyplace in the body.” Nevertheless, Hudson also points out that Ormus is not a medicine, but a DNA correcting substance. Regardless, even if all of Hudson’s claims regarding monatomic gold proved true, it is doubtful big pharma would ever allow such a formidable healing substance to become mainstream.
Modern physicist, Laurence Gardner believes the technical advantages that could be made using this substance are encouraging for the fields of medicine and space travel. NASA scientists have confirmed that matter can be in two places at once. Through quantum entanglement, particles millions of light-years away can connect without physical contact. More research is needed, but the idea that space-time can be manipulated means the ability to use teleportation moves closer. “By manipulating monatomic gold you can make the pile of white powder disappear completely from the third dimension, even more amazing they can bring the white powder back. The substance not only loses 40% of its weight upon its return, but it also makes whatever it touches weightless.” (Lotus) Perhaps making it a key to anti-gravity technology, and thus increasing the possibilities for us to accomplish deep space travel. All ancient civilizations mined for gold. Even today, much of the metallic gold supply has gone missing, while various leaders, including the Vatican, continue to hoard gold. China is ranked number one in gold mining, while the United States has the most reserves.

A special thank you to: https://monatomic-orme.com/monatomic-gold-science/, http://www.weekendpost.co.bw/wp-column-details.php?col_id=532,https://www.psychedelicadventure.net/2009/09/sacred-alchemy-healing-monoatomic-gold.html,https://monatomic-orme.com/david-hudson/,https://www.lotusguide.com/monoatomic-gold/,https://www.ormusmanna.com/ormus-the-elixir-of-life/,https://www.dancingwithwater.com/articles/ormus-and-water-powerful-and-playful-partners/