The Maharishi Effect establishes the principle that individual consciousness affects collective consciousness. In the third book of The Witches of Griffin Series, Higher Resonance, the sisters must use collective energies to defeat alien beings and reinforce the energy grid around the planet.
To successfully initiate the Maharishi Effect, Transcendental Meditation (TM) is utilized. TM is an ancient technique derived from the Vedas, which are religious texts originating in India. It is a meditation technique where you sit comfortably with your eyes closed for 20 minutes twice a day. Unlike regular meditation, which aims to control the mind’s thinking, TM practitioners often use a primordial vibration like the mantra Om. Neuroscientists have found that those who practice TM have higher brain alpha waves. Nearly 50 scientific studies over the past twenty-five years have shown a wide range of benefits produced by the Maharishi Effect. This type of focused concentration is done through Transcendental Meditation Techniques, which less than one percent of the people in the world practice. TM is a state in which a person is aware of their consciousness and its unbounded nature. TM was taught by the Indian guru and Yogi, Maharishi Mahesh, who believed in approaching peace from the collective consciousness.

Experiments were conducted by the TM-Sidhi Program in 1976 and 1978. 108 countries participated and crime was said to be reduced. They concluded that the square root of one percent of the population participating together in Yogic Flying and the TM-Sidhi program in the morning and evening in one location led to positive trends throughout the population. These trends were less sickness, crime, and accidents, while more harmony and positivity ensued. In physics, this phenomenon is known as the Field Effect. According to students of Yogic Flying, it is said to be an extension of TM. In the physics of sound, this effect is known as constructive interference, where three sound waves with identical frequencies come together, increasing the power and intensity logarithmically, which is nine times more powerful. Yogic Flying in meditation is when the person sits in the lotus position and hops. So, not flying, but the students claim to reach a state of bliss and harmony that’s projected out into the energy field of the world. Although action at a distance phenomenon isn’t readily observed within modern research, it is accepted in natural sciences. “The basic understanding given by quantum theory is that all of creation is the expression of fluctuations of underlying universal fields, and all bodies and processes are therefore connected at fundamental levels.” (Hagelin, 1987 and 1989, Journal of Modern Science and Vedic Science)

In Washington D.C., June 7- July 3, 1993, 4000 TM practitioners met in the city of roughly 1.5 million people to conduct an experiment with a 27-member Project Review Board. The board was comprised of scientists and leading citizens to monitor and oversee the research. Doctor John Hagelin headed the study and claimed crime would be reduced by 20 percent due to meditation. The Police chief allegedly said it would take a foot of snow in June to make that happen, but his department still participated in the study by collecting and analyzing the data. In June 1999, the study was published in Social Indicators Research, and crime dropped by 23.3 percent during the period.

The Journal of Conflict Resolution published their experiments during the 1980s Israel-Lebanon war and found violence reduced on both sides by 80 percent. The study found that the larger the group of people focused on meditation and raising harmony, the greater the results. They also found that people in the vicinity of those meditating experienced physiological changes like increased coherence, increased serotonin, reduced plasma cortisol, and neurophysiological changes as if they were meditating.
Recent TM and TM-Sidhi techniques conducted by one percent of the population continue to be studied. Results from 2000-2006 are published in the World Journal of Social Science. According to the Maharshi International University,when the size of TM practitioners dropped, the trend of positivity declined.
Co-author of the experiment, Dr. Kenneth Cavanaugh, commented: “This study used state-of-the-art methods of time series regression analysis for eliminating potential alternative explanations due to pre-existing intrinsic trends and fluctuations in the data. We carefully studied potential alternative explanations regarding changes in economic conditions, political leadership, population demographics, and policing strategies. None of these factors could account for the results.”
The discovery of the unified field could be a game changer for human consciousness and raise harmony on the planet. A grant for 75 million dollars was set up from the Howard and Alice Settle Foundation to provide stipends for TM practitioners to participate. The group calls for a permanent one percent group of the world population to practice TM and TM-Sidhi techniques in one location.
Energy follows thought, so keep your thoughts positive as like attracts like.

Earth’s Energy Grid:
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